Lady vipers lacrosse plays in Dallas

Callye Self photo

The the girls lacrosse team spent the day in Dallas Saturday competing against two Dallas teams.

Claire Parrish, Contributing writer

The Lady Vipers Lacrosse team went to Dallas Saturday. They played Episcopal School of Dallas and Greenhill High School lacrosse teams, and lost both games.

“Dallas is super strong in lacrosse so even though we may have not won or even came out with a win, we learned a lot,” junior captain Izzy Milam said. “Playing against tougher teams will prepare us for Westlake, St.Michaels and the harder teams we have in the future in our own district.” 

Milam was sad about not winning, but said she continued to keep a positive outlook on the situation. Junior defensive starter Tessa Sheppard kept that in her mind as well.

“[Saturday] was definitely not about winning,” Sheppard said. “[Saturday] was more about growing as a team and learning what we need to do and what we need to work on for our count games later in the season and eventually district playoffs.” 

Both Milam and Sheppard agreed that the team had a few things to work on and to continue to look for.

“The biggest struggle was our lack of confidence,” Milam said. “We walked on the field like we had already lost the game. If we could just hold on to the fact that we have a good team and we can hang with them I think the outcomes of the games could have been drastically affected.” 

Next weekend, the lacrosse team will go to Fort Lauderdale, Fla. for a spring break trip. They will play three games in four days while in Florida. 

“I think the Dallas trip will affect our time in Florida a lot,” said Sheppard. “In Dallas we didn’t know what we were walking into competition wise, and it will be the same for Florida so we just need to grow and learn from these games to get in there, come out strong, work as hard as we can and do whatever it takes it come home learning something no matter the score of the games.” 

Milam and Sheppard both touched on the subject of team bonding and that even though the scores of the games weren’t ideal, the team really grew in terms of becoming a family. 

“When Vicky [Guerrero] started yelling for Mardi [McCollum on the sidelines] I was confused,” said Sheppard. “But when she said that there doesn’t need to be a point to cheering it really changed my perspective. She didn’t have to be doing something great, but it’s just that constant energy is what we need to bring to every game, practice and incorporate into our lives.”