This book is off the tracks: Girl on a Train

Lauren Conroy, Staff Writer

In the past, murder mysteries have been nothing short of cheesy, predictable and some-what uninteresting. But recently, books like Girl on a Train by Paula Hawkins have been revolutionizing the genre. Similar to Gone Girl, Hawkin’s book follows the story of a woman who goes missing with no explanation. The story is unpredictable right up until the culprit is revealed. It will make you cry, it will make your heart race and it will make you wonder why a movie isn’t in the works already.

The story is seen through the eyes of three different woman. Megan, the woman who goes missing; she seems to have it all but she still longs for more. Rachel, the girl on the train, who watches Megan and her husband, Scott from afar always day-dreaming about there perfect life. And Anna, the new wife to Rachel’s ex-husband and also coincidentally, Megan’s neighbor.

Rachel is an alcoholic who has lost her job. Her life is lonely and sad and she has simply lost the motivation to stay sober. When Megan, the woman whose life Rachel has idolized for months, disappears, Rachel feels a calling to delve herself in the case. The night of Megan’s disappearance, Rachel remembers being on her street (stalking her ex-husband and his new family) but she doesn’t remember what happened to her or if she witnessed anything important. By befriending Megan’s husband, involving herself with several suspects and doing intense research, she eventually works her way through her black out and discovers what truly happened the night of Megan’s disappearance.

This book kept me fascinated until the last page. I completed the entire thing in a matter of two days. Everyone in the story has their secrets and every secret takes your breath away. While reading, I literally found myself gasping as the author revealed shocking truths about these characters that you thought you understood. I recommend that you read this and then I recommend that you tell everyone you know to be blown away by it too.