As he dashes onto the football field for the first game of the season, senior Brendan Fournier can’t help but reminisce on the past and envision the future. From “hitting people” on the football field for the first time in third grade to going on to play college football at Columbia University next fall, Fournier has many things to be proud of.
Running back for the football team, Fournier is looking forward to playing football in college, a sport he’s loved since he was young. In July, Fournier committed to Columbia University, an ivy league college located in New York City, NY and boasts great academics as well as D1 sports.
“I [used to go] to Minnesota University football games [with my dad],” Fournier said. “It was a good bonding experience with [him].”

Fournier has played football since elementary school and has been on the Vandegrift Varsity Boys Football team since sophomore year. Last spring, he started the search for a college where he could play football and get an outstanding education.
“I’m just focused on going to a good school [and] getting a good education,” Fournier said.
For Fournier, going to a university with strong academics has always been a high priority for him and helped narrow down the search for the perfect college. But being able to attend a top university with challenging academic courses isn’t only possible by playing football. Fournier had to focus on academics just as much as he had to focus on athletics.
“You have to have good grades to be able to go to a good school,” Fournier said. “No matter what.”
Fournier describes how having a good SAT score and taking challenging classes, AP courses for example, increased his chances of recruitment. He also put himself “out there” during recruiting trips to help himself stand out amongst tons of other football players looking to win the attention of coaches and gain their interest.
“For sports,” Fournier said, “asserting yourself, putting yourself forward, and being a leader at the recruiting camps [allows you to stand out]”

Fournier believes that these qualities are what allowed him to secure this incredible academic and athletic opportunity for himself in New York City. Incidentally, being in the “City of Dreams” was another influential factor in his hunt for the perfect university.
“[Columbia University is] in New York,” Fournier said. “Right in the heart of everything.”
For Fournier, Columbia has more to offer than just football and academics. Being in New York offers many opportunities for future careers and experiences.
“I’m looking forward to interning in the summer,” Fournier said. “There’s definitely a lot of great companies there to work with.”
Alongside interning, Fournier is excited to be able to gain new connections, meet new people, and make everlasting friendships that college is known for creating.
“[Playing football] would automatically give me a group of people that I would bond with going into college.” Fournier said. “College is kind of a scary process in general, so having [football] is an added benefit. It’s going to be great knowing I can play the sport I love while also getting a great education.”