Softball celebrates Senior Night

Katherine Dale

Senior Destiny Morgan walks onto field with family during senior night celebrations.

Katherine Dale, Editor

Viper softball celebrated senior night on Mar. 28 before their home game against Manor. Teammates, family and friends came together to honor the hard work of four softball seniors, Bella Huckaby, Emma Love, Destiny Morgan and Valerie Sandoval. After the celebrations, the Lady Vipers faced tough competition against the Manor Mustangs, however, they came out on top, winning the game 17-7. 

“The first couple of innings were kind of rough,” senior Valerie Sandoval said. “But we have a great team, good energy, and amazing mindsets.”

After the second inning, the Vipers were down 6-7, but after a knockout performance throughout the rest of the game, the team was able to come out with a win in the end. 

“We had plenty of mess ups,” Sandoval said. “Still, we were able to get all of those runs back and more.”

Prior to gameplay, the program celebrated Sandoval and her fellow seniors. Teammates escorted players and members of their family onto the field with posters, flowers, and gifts. 

“It was so welcoming,” Huckaby said. “I felt like all eyes were on us and I felt so honored to be a part of the program.”

Huckaby has been a member of the varsity softball team since freshman year and has many fond memories of her time playing with the Vipers. 

“I’ve been very lucky with the teams we’ve had the past four years,” Huckaby said. “We have had the same coach for the past two years and she’s just an amazing person, she’s taught me so much and I love her to death.”

Head coach Sarah Navarro read out messages for each girl from members of their family before Tuesday’s game. 

“I’ve never been a part of something like this,” Huckaby said. “I have been waiting for this day for the past four years and when it finally came, it was so fun and exciting.”

In the fall, Huckaby will be attending Louisiana State University and studying dental hygiene. As for softball, Huckaby hasn’t made the decision whether she’ll continue the game with the LSU Tigers.

“I loved Tuesday,” Sandoval said.  “I loved being able to walk up with my family and see my other teammates who are like little sisters to me.”

Sandoval started softball during sophomore year and says that it is the perfect sport to join if you’re looking for community and a group of hardworking people to surround yourself with. 

“I only joined softball three years ago and I stayed because of the community we have,” Sandoval said. “The program is just starting to build and it is going to become something really special with the kind of coaches and girls we have.”

Sandoval will head off to University of Texas San Antonio in the fall, planning to transfer to the Austin campus after her freshman year. She plans to double major in accounting and finance. 

“Our team is like a domino board,” Sandoval said. “When one person starts falling, or is having a bad day, we hold each other up and make sure that they don’t fall.”

These four seniors are about to leave the Viper softball program, but they each say that they will never forget the experiences that the team has provided them. 

“I got to be a part of the first team to go to playoffs, I got to go to so many tournaments, I met the most incredible people and my best friends. I got to accomplish all that I wanted to accomplish in the sport.”Huckaby said.