New Year, New You?

Fireworks to celebrate 2022 (Taylor Chronert)

Karissa Gonzales, Staff Reporter


These past couple of years have been life changing for many. 

Families were quarantined in their homes for months, and some were not able to complete specific goals. However, with the start of 2022, people have a chance to complete those postponed goals or start new ones. 

“Goal setting for the new year became a thing for me because I really enjoy setting goals for myself and completing those goals,” senior Taylor Chronert said. “I guess that’s just what made me start setting goals that I want to complete by the end of this year.”

Chronert’s resolution will focus on taking her skills with her out of high school when she attends Texas Christian University. When she moves out of her house to Fort Worth for school, her goal is to take care of herself by handling living on her own. With this goal, she realizes that she needs to be an adult and be aware of her medical and mental health. 

“Mental health and anxiety has always been an issue, so my goal with that is to take care of it more so I can have a good year,” Chronert said. “My main focus for 2021 was basically becoming more confident in myself: getting over my insecurities that I had over my body, not being afraid to speak up, and just confidence in general.”

Junior Kayleigh Alvarez didn’t set any New Year’s resolutions last year because in her opinion, 2021 was still tainted by 2020 and flew by very fast. Making goals and resolutions isn’t a family thing, however, she’s willing to try to set some goals this year for herself. 

“I want to be able to study for my tests without cramming for them, and I would like to be able to eat healthier, stay active and put my mental health as a top priority,” Alvarez said. “I wish to be able to stay organized with a schedule and keep track of my time and school work to avoid stress.”

One of senior Lacie Horton’s resolutions is to not stress eat and to stick to resolutions that fall apart pretty quickly. She’s discovered that having a routine keeps her motivated. Once she does something consistently and makes it part of her daily activities, the more pressure there is to not give up. 

“Last year I made it my goal to finish the rough draft of the book I’ve been writing since 2020, but I never did,” Horton said. “I’d like to find the time and motivation to do that this year, even if it’s not that good.”

Alvarez also wishes to stay motivated with her resolutions this year because she hasn’t made a lot of them.  With her resolution this year, she wishes to be able to stay organized with her schedule and to study for her tests without cramming for them to avoid stress. Another goal of hers is to eat healthier, stay active, and put her mental health as a top priority. 

“I’m very motivated to reach these goals this year,” Alvarez said. “I think that with the right amount of determination, anything can be accomplished.”