French Club officer elections to be held Oct. 10

Abby Knowles, Feature Editor, Ads Manager

French Club is holding officer elections October 10 during PIT. Here are the candidates and the reasons they are running for office in French Club:

Zachary Burky is running for the president and/or vice president.
“I’ve been a part of French Club since my freshman year, and aside from the occasional conflicting meeting, I’ve been to every single activity we’ve had the ability to attend – parties at La Madeleine, meetings, Mardi Gras, Canadian foot-stomping sessions (you know, the good stuff) – and I’ve loved every second of it. I decided to run not because of some pompous need to be recognized by colleges or my peers – although that would be cool – but because, in the past, my sole problem with the club was its unfortunate latency. This regrettable circumstance was no fault of the members; nay, it was the leaders who caused its potential to remain bottled. I’m on this ballot because I know that I could, and would change that. I love the meet-ups at local restaurants, celebrations of French holidays, even the meetings and the (mostly) wonderful people who attend them, but alas, these events only happen once, maybe twice a year. As President, (or VP) I would do more than simply try to remedy this situation – in fact, I can promise that it would be so, beyond a shadow of a doubt. I have the knowledge and skills necessary to lead, the conviction required to truly support the organization, and the drive to push it to where it needs to go. As your president, as in all my other endeavours, I would be serving not for myself, but for you.”

Kristina Nguyen is running for president.
“I decided to run because I’ve been in the club all four years and I really believe I can improve this club while still retaining the intent of the original founders, which is to spread and celebrate French culture!
My favorite part of French Club is how enthusiastic people are about the club and the fun we have at meetings. The changes I’d like to implement include getting to know each other better, having consistent meetings, and have generally a lot more fun activities and events to do throughout the school year.  I am dedicated to French Club and have been so for the past four years. I have tons of ideas to contribute and I want to make this club a space that all French lovers can enjoy. I believe I can make this club a fun and awesome place for everyone.”

Meredith Leboeuf is running for treasurer and/or secretary.
“I decided to run as I really enjoyed French club last year and wanted to be able to contribute more this year.  My favorite part of French club is being in a community of students both taking French or interested in French culture. You get to share what you know as well as assist others in expanding their knowledge. I think that is super cool. As secretary or treasurer, I don’t have a lot of change that I can make. However, I hope that as being one of these positions can help me better organize the club as well as prepare me to make changes for the future. Some of these changes include expanding our knowledge of French culture by going to place such as art museums with French painters and sculptures or seeing movies with French speaking actors. People should elect me because I really feel like I can make a difference to French club and want to be more involved in it. I am currently in French 2 pre-ap and plan on advancing to French 3 pre-ap as I really like the language and the culture behind it.”

Trevor Egerton is running for historian.
“I decided to run for this position because this will be my third year as a member of French Club and I want to help it become as strong of an organization as it can be. My favorite part of French Club is the fun of the meetings with food, sometimes movies and all other french related things. I would make French Club actually hold up to all of its commitments, like decorating hallways or meeting monthly both in school and at La Madeline and also do something to be more a part of the school. People should elect me as historian because I am already the historian of another club, The Seton Health Medical Explorers, and I am decent with both technology and cameras.”

Simon Egerton is running for treasurer.
“I decided to run for this office because I feel that I can make an awesome and influential improvements to French Club as a whole. My favorite part about french club is the exiting community and feeling of togetherness that it creates among the members. If elected, I would like to make the club more well known around the school, and hopefully raise funds so we can have a larger impact on the community. People should elect me because I have a plan of action and I am determined to make this the best year yet.”