Maxwell Bowman is a junior who adores writing and can't wait to contribute to this year's newspaper and many to come. He is currently a very attractive...
April 20, 2016
These are some the best student written satires from the English 3 satire project.
Thursday, March 31, 2016- AP English News. Chaos erupted last Monday when the world’s favorite search engine, Google, went down for twenty-four hours.
Authorities are still investigating the cause for the biggest scare since the 1929 stock market crash. Americans sat by and watched as productivity ground to a halt.
“I was in my office, and whenever I typed ‘Google’ into the search bar, it wouldn’t come up,” one bystander said. “Honestly, it terrified me.”
The situation was worse elsewhere. People starved in their homes as they lost the ability to Google recipes and how to cook food. One Texas neighborhood lost half of its population throughout the day. Elsewhere, starvation led to worse. An entire neighborhood in Missouri burned down after residents attempted to turn on their stoves in order to feed themselves. No one knew the difference between cooking ramen and burning it.
Inside the houses (or what was left of them), bodies were found draped over computers, where, in their dying moments, they had attempted to Google how to cook. In one house, a frozen pizza was lying on the counter, unopened.
Recent comments from the governors of those states have called the entire event ‘Unfortunate.’ Cleanups are being organized in the affected areas. The volunteers say that their first goal is ‘to find any orphans or dying people in the area and move them to treatment.’
Others were faced with less deadly but no less serious events. The US witnessed a rise in people who were unable to dress themselves. With the Youtube makeup tutorials unresponsive, many women walked outside sporting the equivalent of clown makeup. Men accidentally strangled themselves while trying to tie their ties. Other less socially conscious individuals showed up for work wearing their pajamas.
Several of the new members of the workforce are organizing a lawsuit against Google for not preparing them for the first day of their jobs sufficiently.
Bob Phillips is one of them. “Google wouldn’t let me search ‘How to overcome nerves’ or ‘What not to do on the first day of your job,’” Phillips claims. “It needs to pay for the stress it has caused new members of society.”
The number of untreated illnesses also rose on Monday. “Without the ability to Google symptoms,” one self-diagnosed stomach cancer patient says, “Others could be unable to find treatment.” Indeed, many died later in the week from rashes or diseases that remained undiagnosed without the aid of Google. When asked why he didn’t consult a doctor, one survivor shook his head. “Google is a wonderful resource for those of us who don’t want to take time out of our schedules to go to the doctor. The internet has such a wealth of information and with self-diagnosing as accurate as ever, I thought ‘why not?’.”
Perhaps the most devastating effect was the world’s inability to ask dumb questions to the expanse of the internet. Instead of consulting Google, people were forced to turn to their neighbors in order to ask questions such as ‘When is Mom’s birthday?’ and ‘How do I take 12 selfies at once?’. One husband spoke to his wife for the first time in five years when he asked her “Where is Hawaii?” Even some cats are becoming restless after losing the ability to Google things such as ‘asoiflkdip;dslsjas’ or ‘pljkhuhgftdesswa’ and connect with the human world.
We received the opportunity to meet with some Google developers last Tuesday. The downtime left many of them with gray hair and breakups with significant others. One called the downtime ‘a horrible accident’ and delivered the following message.
“Google apologizes for the inactivity on Monday. We are working on getting our service up and running without crashes. For the time being, we will send some employees to local event centers, where you can ask them questions to your heart’s consent.”
Some other Google employees were ready to quit after the event. “My wife is filing for divorce,” one admits sadly. “She said that if I can’t help her search for funny cat videos, I have no place managing our taxes.”
Google is temporarily working, and remaining employees assure the search engine will receive a major update by Friday.
Down the street from our meeting with Google was the headquarters for Bing. Unaffected by Monday’s crash, they continued their normal business. Company reports indicate no significant increase in their site’s traffic.
BREAKING: Asian American teenager Steven Nguyen discovered to be a good driver, is bad at math and science
Austin, Texas A few weeks ago, local teenager Steven Nguyen, an Asian, was seen driving on public roads causing zero accidents.
Spectator Wyatt Hunter had this to say about the incident: “It was incredible. I mean here he was, driving on the road just like everybody else. It’s really great that he was able to overcome the odds and get to where he was going, ya know, with him being from China and all.”
Our crew was extremely interested in this young man, so we tracked him down at his high school, Vandegrift, where we expected to find him studying diligently. Our crew was amazed to find him playing on his phone, like he was one of the other kids, instead of working on his calculus or AP Chemistry homework.
We were granted an interview from the boy wonder, and our interview correspondent extraordinaire Dixie Moonshine was on the scene:
Dixie: “Hi there Stevey boy, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” Dixie: “So Steven, can you tell us where you are from?”
Steven: “I’m from here. Austin, Texas born and raised.”
Dixie: “No, no, no Steven….. Where are you from? Like where are you really from?”
Steven: “Excuse me? I just told y”
Dixie: “Never mind, let’s move on. This next one is more a fun question, for me. I once at a Korean food restaurant. It was very ethnic. Can you teach me how to say some of that Korean, Steven?”
Steven: “Ok, well, I’m actually only half Asian. My dad is white and my mom is from Taiwan. So I really don’t know any Korean. I don’t even know anybody who is Korean.”
Dixie: “Ah alright. Your dad is white, that must be where you get your driving skills. Slightly less impressive now that I know that but whatever. And that’s really interesting that you don’t know any Koreans. I thought all you people were just one big family. Ok Stevey boy, next question what’s your current grade in math? And also science?”
Steven: “Umm, I think I have an 89 in math right now and an 85 in science.”
Dixie: “Oh dear, that’s not good at all. At least not for you. You know what they say, right? An A is like an Asian F. So Steve, what are you thinking about majoring in when you head off to college. You are going to college, right? What am I thinking, of course you are.”
Steven: “Well, I’m thinking about something like art or journalism or sports communications. I have a passion for both.”
Dixie: “Wait a second now. You’re not even considering engineering? Or med school?”
Steven: “No.”
Dixie: “huh. Interesting. Any extracurriculars you’re interested in Steveyboy? Robotics? Karate? Clearly you’re not playing sports haha.”
Steven: “yes, I’m actually in student council.”
Dixie: “Oh very cool. You must be the treasurer!”
Steven: “Ok I’m done with this.”
(Steven walked away from our crew after this interview and when we kept following him, he got in his car and left driving away again such a feat for his kind.)
We searched for Steven far and wide, checking libraries, textbook stores, math tutoring centers, Hunan restaurant, but he was nowhere to be found. We even called tech support but still nothing. Steven was not available for further comment, we assume he left to go practice playing the violin or the piano or something like that. It can also be implied from the interview that Steven likes eating rice with everything, is socially awkward, and looks like a lot of other Asian people.”
Dear Student,
Fale University, founded in 622 CE, has always been devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and research, and to developing leaders in many disciplines who make a difference globally. The University, which is based in Mackinac Island, has an enrollment of over 20,000 degree candidates, including undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, with an acceptance rate of 3.14%. As the Regular Decision deadline for college applications is approaching, the admissions office at Fale University would like to extend our undergraduate academic profile as a resource for potential applicants**.
**Please note that although we have detailed a few of the considerations in the admissions process, all applications are graded holistically. In other words, we need to accommodate for student athletes and the children of billionaires.
We look forward to viewing your application! Fale University Undergraduate Admissions Office
So I hear you’ve enrolled at Vandegrift High School. And what’s that? Your first day of
school is tomorrow? Lucky you. In addition to being one of the most competitive,
highest achieving schools around, we boast an extremely diverse, cultured, and sophisticated
student body that possesses an enlightened perspective on how the world works. Well, most of
the time. If you want to survive, nay, thrive at Vandegrift, follow this fruitful guide to ensure
your sacred position among vineyard vines royalty.
The most important law of life at Vandegrift is simple. Clothes mean everything. At
Vandegrift High School, if you’re caught wearing the wrong thing, chances are you’re done for.
Seriously. If you don’t take your clothing seriously, you might as well transfer to Cedar Park.
My job today is to help you survive your first day of school tomorrow, so pay close attention.
First off, let’s start with some important background information that’ll give you an idea of what
you’re dealing with here. Every year, lululemon gains almost 93% of their annual revenue of
selling their clothing and apparel to Vandegrift students. Take a stroll through Main Street and
you’ll see exactly why that is. See, if you come to school wearing a pair of ordinary black
athletic shorts, people won’t think too much of it. You probably run track or something. Nice.
BUT, if your black shorts have a little silver squiggly in a small circle, barely visible on the side
of them, people stand back, realizing they’re in the presence of someone who knows what
they’re talking about. That tiny logo has magical powers, I swear. And even if you can’t afford
lululemon, which might raise a few eyebrows, just carry around one of their cute little red bags.
People will assume that you buy from lululemon, and that’ll be able to mask your poverty for a
little while.
Also, another way to send a clear message to people that you’re legit is by wearing a shirt
with fish on the back of it. It’s simple. For some unknown reason, that seems to do the trick
around here. A normal red shirt is just that, a normal red shirt. But if the shirt has a couple of
whales splashing around on the back of it, before you know it you’ll be homecoming king!
Miguel Rios Moran, a peruvian student new to the customs and cultures around this school,
simply refers to the popular kids as “fishshirts.” And that’s no coincidence. Fish shirts take you
straight to the top. In terms of shoes, there’s really only two kinds that are acceptable right now.
Converse and New Balance. But you’ve got to be very careful with New Balance. If you’re
caught wearing the same New B’s as someone else, you might as well burn them. That can’t
happen at Vandegrift. Just be careful about that.
Lastly, go out and buy a Yeti bottle. Or a Yeti shirt. Or Yeti stickers. Anything with Yeti.
But preferably a Yeti tumbler. And when you’re carrying it around at school the next day, make
sure it’s always clearly visible to other people in the hallways. It’s crucial that people know you
own a Yeti Tumbler. And the same applies for Starbucks. Long after you’ve finished your Very
Berry Hibiscus Drink, you should still be displaying the cup prominently as you stroll through
the doorway of your first period class, 20 minutes late of course. So tomorrow, before you even
step foot through the main entrance, I want you to make a mental list and check off everything to
make sure you’ve got all your bases covered. Here we go. Lululemon shorts? Check. Fish shirt?
Check. New B’s? Check. Yeti Tumbler? Check. Lamborghini? Cheoh yeah that’s right, I forgot
to mention one last thing. It’s VITAL that you drive a car that costs over $80,000. Range Rovers
and Porsches are usually the goto choices. You can’t go wrong with a beamer. Now, if you have
all of these things before you step onto campus, congratulations, you’ll fit right in with the best
of them at Vandegrift! If not, sorry bud, but Vandegrift is probably not the best fit for you. So
good luck tomorrow, and go vipers!
Maxwell Bowman is a junior who adores writing and can't wait to contribute to this year's newspaper and many to come. He is currently a very attractive...
Marc Willebeek-LeMair • Mar 19, 2021 at 7:09 pm
These are good!
I recommend you give credit to the authors of each essay.
adviser • Mar 29, 2021 at 9:37 pm
Max Bowman wrote all 3 of them (his name appears at the top). He was a great writer, enjoyed having him on staff a few years ago 🙂