My Story of Success


Lanie Malone, Staff Reporter

Last year I spent most of my time goofing off. I didn’t care about anything school related, therefore, I made terrible grades. It all of a sudden dawned on me that I was failing all my classes in the second semester. I decided I was in need of a reform, but wasn’t sure how to do so. This is what I did and how I did it. I’m proud of my reform and I feel I deserve to acknowledge my success.

Towards the end of last year, you weren’t likely to see me in a classroom. I skipped almost all my classes and if I wasn’t skipping, I was at a doctor’s appointment. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and put on medication that never seemed to help. I went to the doctor once a week. It felt to me like I would never catch up and be as successful as other students. I felt hopeless.

When summer started, I started to feel relieved. I went to a few parties, pondering if I would soon start to forget how poorly I did in school and just have fun. Instead, I didn’t enjoy anything that happened. I felt guilty for trying to have fun. I felt spoiled and like I wasn’t appreciating anything even though I had everything. It wasn’t until there was a change of scenery that I had a realization that I could do better and turn my life around.

I went to Italy towards the beginning of August. I stayed there for 14 days. Throughout my time there, I started immediately to feel homesick. I didn’t understand why I was upset. Why was I not appreciative that I was in such a beautiful place? The answer: I missed my friends, I missed having a routine and I missed having my parents as my support system.

Using my newfound knowledge about myself, I returned to Austin more excited than ever to face the mistakes I’d made at school and a goal to better myself.

I spent time interning with Four Points News, wrote a few stories. When I felt upset I journaled and every time it made me feel better. I didn’t feel like I had a bunch of regret built up in my heart. There were no butterflies in my stomach when I thought about school. I began to build confidence in myself and in what I could do.

I started school and felt wonderful. I spend some of my Frida

y nights doing assignments due on Monday. I work harder than I ever have. I know what I’m capable of, and it’s not failure, it’s all A’s.

The moral of my story in writing and acknowledged my wrongs is that no matter what, one can change their mindset and work on themselves to be better. It’s never impossible to do an assignment when you know that you can do it. If I hadn’t had this self realization, I probably wouldn’t still be going to Vandegrift. Our school runs on being successful and teaching students they’re capable of anything. My future looks bright, and so do my grades.